June 13, 2015 - Tomorrowland Version II


Though I did enjoy Tomorrowland for the most part, I felt that there was something missing from the film. I would like to take a few moments and pose a mental rewrite as opposed to a full blown rewrite of the script which I did for the film Interstellar. I will come back to edit this as time goes on.

We open on Casey Newton sneaking into a decommissioned NASA launch pad in Cape Canaveral, where her father Frank is employed as an engineer. She sabotages the cranes and pulleys that will dismantle the launch pad and returns home where a young girl named Athena places a pin programmed to Casey's DNA into Casey's motorcycle helmet. In the morning, she sees her father mired in paperwork looking for engineering jobs that aren't available, where he informs her about the sabotage of the launch pad, she plays like she doesn't know and so does he. Frank scolds her for wanting to be an astronaut saying that reality prevents her from taking part in her dreams. She goes off to class where a teacher states that all over the world, wars and climate change threaten to end the world and she questions why no one has tried to find a solution, stumping the teacher. At night, Casey attempts to break into the NASA compound again, but is arrested. At the police station, she discovers the pin among her personal items. Casey discovers that upon contact, the pin instantly shows her a view of Tomorrowland. When her father picks her up from the station, Casey shows him, Frank is shocked and immediately takes the pin away claiming that it isn't hers but his. Casey is bewildered at this but complies with her father. Further into the night, while he falls asleep she takes the pin and a bike to go explore Tomorrowland more fully. She explores the cityscape, seeing tons of kids and adults among the hustle and bustle, all kinds of futuristic technology. Upon seeing a group of teens in spacesuits enter a gangway onto a rocket, her vision stops as the battery runs out and she becomes stuck in a nearby marsh. When she gets back to her bike, her father arrives and scolds her once again. Casey claims that she saw "the future." Athena arrives with a weapon, stuns Frank and speaks to Casey about the images she saw.

Athena proceeds to take Casey to Tomorrowland willingly, Frank's memory is changed having the knowledge of Casey taking a camp trip and will be back in a few days. Athena produces a device from her chest, a teleportation device. Athena and Casey appear in Tomorrowland, Athena tells her that she is an auto animatronic machine, a sophiscated robot. Athena is her personal aide to help her navigate the cityscape. She sees kids of her age trying to find their assigned groups. Athena leads Casey to her assigned group.Where the Administrator of Tomorrowland, David Nix, gathers everyone together to announce that this is the first time in several years that the Tomorrowland has been active. Nix has the youths enter orientation where a video explains that decades ago Gustave Eiffel, Jules Verne, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison put behind their petty scawbles to create Plus Ultra to help other dreamers and inventors help shape a better future for mankind. Tesla discovered a new dimension where Tomorrowland would be founded. Casey spends her days trying to make the world better by attending courses in advanced physics, advanced robotics and advanced temporal studies. She meets a boy named Miles who is experimenting with advanced robotics and asks Casey to join in a battle of the robots. She is excited and amazed. She takes an aptitude test so that she can join the prestigous Space Ranger Corps. Meanwhile back in Florida, her father Frank is rumaging through the upstairs attic and discovers his pin and when he touches it, glimmers of Athena and Casey at the marsh flood back to him. He realizes that Casey is in grave danger and endeavors to go to Tomorrowland via a back door. Casey and Athena speak to each other with Miles present about the purpose of restarting Tomorrowland now and not before. Athena does not answer, when Frank arrives inside an underground tunnel inside the catacombs of Tomorrowland where he discovers a device powering a machine. Athena and Nix greet Frank where Nix says its been a long time and is shot with a stun rifle.

A friend of Casey has been distancing herself from everyone saying she's been working feverishly on a project for David Nix, her friend specializing in temporal studies. Casey and Miles decide, with the disapproval of Athena to find out what Nix is working on, they discover that he is working on a tachyon machine to predict the future based on a design of Tesla and perfected by Frank. Because of his success as one of Tomorrowland's best, Nix became jealous and forced Frank to leave while Nix helped shut down Tomorrowland for twenty-five years before restarting it and reprogramming a legion of robots to find dreamers and inventors for the purpose of using them for Nix's agenda of profit on Earth by using the newly developed tech for malevolent purposes. Nix apprehends everyone in an effort to prevent them from halting Nix and his plans. Frank apologies to Casey about not telling her sooner. He explains that in 1964 he attended the New York World's Fair with his father and some years later, he was picked by a great inventor who showed him Tomorrowland for the first time. Nix and Frank became fast friends eventually becoming very helpful with perfecting Tesla's Chronoscope. But Nix realizing how much more important he is to the great inventor than he is, grows increasingly more jealous of Frank and eventually helps banish Frank from Tomorrowland. Casey does not accept Nix and his abuse of power to profit off everyone.

Miles activates his robot and uses it to break them out of the detention cell, but Nix uses a stun rifle to deactivate Miles' robot and temporarily shut down Athena. Nix then uses a plasma gun to end Frank but an echo from the tachyon machine causes Casey to sacrifice herself for her father. Nix is then knocked out by a reawakened Athena who rushes Casey to a medical bay where she falls asleep and her father cries wishing to have her back. Athena assures Frank that she will be fine as she reawakens and hugs her father.

Nix is arrested and returned to Earth to answer for his crimes. Frank is appointed the new administrator of Tomorrowland, Athena is made his assistant while Casey and Miles are given the opportunity to join the Space Ranger Corps and explore deep space. Frank watches as Casey and Miles in their spacesuits are joined by Athena boarding a new rocket. It launches and ascends high into the skies of Tomorrowland as Frank puts on some sunglasses.


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